I've always wanted to watch Stranger Things since the first season came out. But the thing is I kind of have commitment issues with American TV Series because they're kind of long. I was fool enough not to google how many episode the first season had. Face palmed so hard! It's only 8 episodes gosh.
So I finished it in a day. Yes, the hype is real. Haha! One of the most awesome shows I've seen. The whole time my baby was with me. She watched it with till the end, atta girl!
Favorite character? Dustin of course! Just seeing pictures of him around the internet, I've always thought he was adorable, much more so now that I've seen Stranger Things.

So I'm trying to check my schedule for this week if I can make time to watch the second season, and I will try to squeeze it in no matter what! Hahaha!
See, Joyce got me thinking, if one of my kid ever get abducted by a monster - knock on wood - would I be like Joyce? because I sure don't want to be as clueless as Lucas', Dustin and Mike's parents. Always trust the crazies.

I'm sort of glad Steve redeemed himself at the end. Gawd I hope there'll be no love triangle drama in the second season, that always spoils everything for me. I hope they can all just be friends... yeah right.
Oh, and good to be back. Hahaha!
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