Let me tell you first and foremost that season 3 was hella confusing for me. All those years of waiting, I should have done my assignment and read the manga... but as it is, being a member of numerous fandoms, time is always the enemy.
Let me tell you first and foremost that season 3 was hella confusing for me. All those years of waiting, I should have done my assignment and read the manga... but as it is, being a member of numerous fandoms, time is always the enemy.

So I get that Season 3 is set two years after the last season and that Kaneki, now known as Haise, lost his memories. All of it! This really made me chuckle 'cause losing memory is hella cliche for afternoon dramas here in my country hahahaha!
I got overwhelmed by the count of characters being introduced, like what's his name and what's his face, and I'm that type of person that's really not good with names so I was struggling to familiarize them especially with their Japanese names!
I bet I'm not alone on this, it was when "Unravel" played on episode 6. Haise acknowledges Kaneki as a part of him. I think he's slowly remembering things here or at least realizing some things and questioning himself. My heart literally skipped a beat and it was such a beautiful scene. It definitely deserved my slow clap.

Touka and Haise/Kaneki meets again and his Ghoul eye sheds tears because the Kaneki inside him misses and remembers her. I was screaming, my heart was in pain, I wanted to break stuff! TT_TT

Honestly that's about it. Most of the time I feel confused with the scenes, but there are these familiar scenes that really melt my heart.
Every scene with Shuu. Terrible. Just terrible. I liked him and for him to be in that state... truly heartbreaking.

Shirazu's death. Damn. He was really fighting hard till the very end, and I was really rooting for him! It made me even sadder that Urie was deeply affected and even blamed Haise for not being there when Shirazu was dying. He is survived by his sister, who is not in a very good state as well. What will happen to her? But methinks it won't be the last time we're seeing him.
I am biased sorry. I will always love the tragedy that is Kaneki Ken and all his friends. Even though there are harsh criticisms of this season, like saying that it was rushed, or the music didn't made sense, animation was subpar, etc. I loved it. I'd still give it a high rating.
(*Quite late review since I just finished the season LOL!)
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