We've been quarantined for almost two months, how are we all doing?

The days are rough. We're anxious and nervous, everyone's uncertain about the future... what a day to be alive..? We are all still lucky to be alive. Above all most of us are lucky to just be in our homes, sitting out this pandemic while other people have to be on the frontlines and be the heroes that we need, which not all of us deserves.
For us who are at home, we get to be at home, taking our sweet time with our families, while the frontliners can't come home to theirs for fear of infecting them. It's a tragedy.
WHEN WILL ALL OF THIS BE OVER? Certainly in God's sweet time.
What we can do is pray! Renew our faith and relationship with Him. God help us.
We all need to be strong - for each other, for our families, for ourselves. All of us have to cope, and we do it in different ways.
For the past weeks I've been...
Cleaning! I have disinfected most parts of the house; washed all the sheets in the house, even the sofa!

Rearranged our bedroom - twice!

Ofcourse, I've drown my self in "some" anime... Have I gotten through half my to-watch list? Heck no! I'm not aiming to, just taking it steady, episode by sweet episode. I'm not really getting on a rampage where I barely sleep because I have to finish that season, no! I've been quite chill about it.

I've started reading books again. Still a slow reader and been much more so... ugh! Still my forever frustration in life... which I've come to embraced but still, a bit faster wouldn't hurt. I can't help subvocalizing. So far I've finished about ONE. Still in the middle of the second book. (ashamed)

I can't quite get back into the groove of reading manga. I don't know why. I've read a few though, some short ones, a one shot, some smut here. lol.

Netflix... you bet! In to Modern Family but taking my sweet time on that too. Some movies I wanted to watch are now gone on their list tsk. I've rewatched some Ghibli favorites and seen those I have not seen before... still about to complete it. 'When Marnie was Here' was absolutely insane, while 'Porco Rosso' was exquisite! I didn't expect to like it that much.
I've been experimenting in the kitchen as well.. baked my first banana bread and it was a hit! Didn't last the day.

Got into gardening as well... None of them have sprouted yet but I can see them very slowly developing and I am at awe with nature as I'm experiencing it first-hand. I hope they all grow! I need more seeds!

Lastly, for two days I have been working out. My body aches, but I feel good. Why is that?! Is it because of those happy hormone excreting? (okay I have no idea what I'm talking about)

It's okay not to be productive in this scary time... work at your own pace. What matters is that you are being healthy and you are also taking care of your mental health.
I wish I could say something that can encourage us all and uplift our spirits, alas, it is just I.
These all shall pass. We'll all get through this.
Stay safe. Stay home. Wash your hands.
Love and light.