Struggling Baker

First off, happy valentine's day to everyone (assuming I have readers, LOL)!

Last night I made red velvet cupcakes which I was thinking I could sell to officemates, but I didn't really feel that confident with how it looked. I can't quite make it to a rich red color, it looks maroon and boring, and the cream cheese frosting was delicious and just the right sweetness but I can't get it to be stiff enough to hold itself up. In fairness to the cupcake, it was delicious. So I'm actually inwardly relieved that my mom stopped me from bringing it today cause I'd probably get humiliated because I'm such a noob! Hahaha! I spent about 600 bucks for ingredients I didn't actually needed 'cause I still had some left from before, and what am I going to do with those almost 300 bucks worth of aluminum trays?! Honestly, I can't understand why it's so overpriced!

So I left those glorious red velvets at home for my family to consume, and I will just have to hope that they saved me some.

Hah! The one time I rode the commercialism train and it turned out.. well, to nothing. Yeah, this business thing is really not for me. *sigh There goes my chances of getting dirty rich.

As soon as I get a pic of those cupcakes I'll be posting them.

Meanwhile, here are some of the first cupcakes I've baked for the past Christmas and New Year's.
