This latest cover of The Rolling Stone are racking up attention from all over the world, in a negative way. On the cover is the 19-year-old accused terrorist of the Boston bombing, Dzhokhar 'Jahar' Tsarnaev. People that doesn't approve of the cover find it unsettling because it seems that he's treated like some rockstar or some icon. The popular magazine relates that the story will reveal how Tsarnaev a "popular, promising student was failed by his family, fell into radical Islam, and became a monster."
Personally I think this feature is great information for readers, especially the younger readers. However I too find that the cover is a little unsettling. We can't deny that Tsarnaev is one good looking kid, maybe a bit too good looking! Maybe that's what ticked of the angry mobs? Maybe if Rolling Stone could have chosen another picture, maybe his mugshot or whatever that is less complimentary to Tsarnaev, that would be more appropriate? It's crazy but really the idea that this criminal gets to have the privilege of being in a cover of one of the most prestigious magazine, it just seems so wrong!
I'm not one of those who want to boycott the magazine, it doesn't bother me that much. I just hope they did it for all the right reason they were saying, you know? But hey, who am I kidding? It's all business isn't it?!
Personally I think this feature is great information for readers, especially the younger readers. However I too find that the cover is a little unsettling. We can't deny that Tsarnaev is one good looking kid, maybe a bit too good looking! Maybe that's what ticked of the angry mobs? Maybe if Rolling Stone could have chosen another picture, maybe his mugshot or whatever that is less complimentary to Tsarnaev, that would be more appropriate? It's crazy but really the idea that this criminal gets to have the privilege of being in a cover of one of the most prestigious magazine, it just seems so wrong!
I'm not one of those who want to boycott the magazine, it doesn't bother me that much. I just hope they did it for all the right reason they were saying, you know? But hey, who am I kidding? It's all business isn't it?!
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