Dear Avatar Creators

As I was reading my daily dose of Hypable, one of their authors, Mitch Clow wrote a letter to Bryan Konietzko and Mike DiMartino to show his "deep love" for their creation of Avatar: The Last Air Bender and The Legend of Korra. As one of the millions of fans of the shows, I, too would like to express my appreciation and thanks to Mike and Bryan for giving us two great shows in our generation.

Dear Bryan and Mike,

I don't even know how to begin to say thank you for being part of my teenage years and making it awesome through your show. ATLA was like a breath of fresh air from all else that were shown at that time, it definitely stood out from all the rest. Every character of ATLA especially those of  Team Avatar  had very distinct characteristics in a way that everyone can relate to. Like when they had relationship problems, we knew what that felt like right?

Ultimately I am thankful that I became part of this awesome world of benders. I will never give up my dream of becoming an earth bender someday! No, not anytime soon. Not as long as I consider Toph as my hero.

Then ATLA came to an end, I was in college. I skipped classes so I could watch the finale because I would never miss it for the world. That's just one of the many crazy things I've done for ATLA, other things were discovering what element I could bend.

After years of silence you gave us another Avatar to lay our hopes anew, The Legend of Korra. I'm now in my mid-20's with a family of my own. Another thing to thank you is for making the new Avatar a girl, which I bet also means so much to other people around the world. She's not the most perfect and the nicest at times but it just made her more dear to us! Maybe she'll be my daughter's hero someday?

Lastly, thank you for bringing out the kid in me, everytime TLOK is on I just drift away from this world... even if it's just for a little while.


I truly believe Amon won that's why my bending powers are gone and also my memory is wiped out.
