For months I've been participating in Hypable's Battleship Books. They give out a survey on which ship in books you like better.

So Rose and Dimitri of Vampire Academy series won. I felt meh at first because I had no clue at all who Rose and Dimitri were, and really in the real world Bella and Edward loses. LOL! Not a twihard but I voted for them because at least I knew them.
So it got me all intrigued with this ship, who were these characters? Obviously the Vampire Academy books were something, to be garnering that much votes for their characters!
From Wikipedia:
It'll also have it's own film adaptation releasing in 2014, so I guess it's worth reading! I'll definitely give it a shot. Maybe once I'm done with The Mortal Instruments books.Vampire Academy is an American best-selling series of six young-adult paranormal romance novels by author Richelle Mead. It tells the story of Rose Hathaway, a seventeen/eighteen-year-old Dhampir girl, who is training to be a bodyguard for her Moroi best friend, Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir. In the process of learning how to defeat Strigoi (the evil undead vampires) in St. Vladimir's Academy, Rose finds herself caught in a forbidden romance with her instructor, Dimitri Belikov, while having an unbreakable bond with Lissa.

It has awful book covers, btw.
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