It’s not just anyone actually, Gene Simmons of Kiss said
this in an interview for Esquire magazine.
Dee Snider of the Twisted Sisters defended the name of Rock in Facebook:

“The death of rock was not a natural death,” Simmons offers. “Rock did not die of old age. It was murdered. Some brilliance, somewhere, was going to be expressed, and now it won’t, because it’s that much harder to earn a living playing and writing songs. No one will pay you to do it.” x
Grohl was quick to respond via twitter
Not so fast, Mr. God of Thunder...RT: @esquiremag Gene Simmons declares "rock is finally dead"
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) September 6, 2014
Dee Snider of the Twisted Sisters defended the name of Rock in Facebook:
So in conclusion: Record company executives killed the old rock 'n' roll business model…and Rock 'n' Roll Ain't Dead! x

There was also a point in
my life where I said the same thing as Gene Simmons. I once did believe that
rock was dead here in my country. The scene was different, people were different
from back in the days, the music, the bands. I just actually gave up and said
pinoy rock is dead.
I see in TV and hear in
the radio about these new breeds of pinoy rock, while some of the bands I grew
up with are still there, I see them and these kids that watch and listen to
them. It hit me, I used to be one of them. I used to be that kid that loved listening
and going to band gigs.
Not only was I wrong to
say that pinoy rock was dead, I was also wrong about the new musicians that
were arising and making name for themselves. Just because their music is not my
type of music or the fact that I still haven’t listen to them doesn’t mean they’re
not any good.
It was just that I was
getting old and maybe a little bitter that the times they are a-changin’.
Change is always good.
Mr. Simmons, just be more open-minded
about things especially the scene right now, You’ll see. While it’s still true
that the record execs ruin things, Rock ‘n Roll ain’t definitely dead!
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