14 Days To Go Till ONE OK ROCK Comes to the Philippines

I'm a worry wart and I worry about a lot of things. Even things that don't really concern me. It's just me. I tried changing, and was successful - for like 10%. Ha! So here's a list of things I'm worried about during / concerning the concert.

1. LOTS OF PEOPLE. Well, duh. As much as I get anxiety attacks amidst a sea of people, I will just have to carry on. Luckily I got someone with me who I'm sure will secure me and make sure I don't get lost. LOL!

2. THE FAN GIRLS. I know that OOR fans can be very passionate for the love of the band. But please don't go to the point of obnoxious. Seriously, that's annoying.

3. DIRECTIONS. The hotel we booked is a little farther away from the concert venue so I'm really worried that we'll get lost. Just mostly me, since I'm very notorious to have the most screwed up sense of direction in this planet. I get lost in a tiny mall WTF.

4. FAN CAMS. It's a good thing that cameras are not allowed in the concert venue. But it didn't say anything about smart phones or worse, tablets! I hope there will be no asshole blocking someone's view because he/she wants to capture a low quality video that will only probably get like less than 10 hits. Nothing beats washing your whole body and soul to the goodness of the live music the band will be pouring out.

5. BAD SEATS. Nope, I did not buy a VIP standing ticket. Just because. LOL. Seriously, though, because I'm so small I'm afraid I may not see them clearly or not at all. Plus, I'm getting too old for the pit. My knees will kill me for the rest of the week! Haha! But I still think we picked bad seats. XD

I guess that's it..? Wow. I think I really did change! Only five?! That's a miracle, I tell you!

