So I saw this on my news feed...

How are you doing babies? Thanks for 100K followers. Just started Instagram 2 months ago, I am really happy that you have fun with this. I bought new Rimowa's suits cases for this trip, it's not bad. Anyway we got to the Philippines now. Enjoy your dinner. 2ヶ月前から始めたインスタも気がつけば10万人のフォロワーになってた。ありがとう。みんなが楽しんでくれて嬉しいよ。今回、新しいリモワのスーツケースを新調したよ。中々いい。取り敢えずフィリピンに到着だ。みんないい夜を。 #GACKTstagram #Philippines #Rimowa @rimowa_official @GACKT #リモワ x

Yeah! He's in my country!!!

Then he posted this video of going to the beach... and this beach seemed familiar!
I went to a beautiful beach in the Philippines today. I love the beach but really scary here...a friend took some pics and something in it. Soooo scary. 今日、フィリピンの凄く綺麗なビーチに行ったんだ。本当に信じられない美しさがそこにあった。が、何かが写真に写り込んでる。、。ここは本当に恐ろしい場所かもしれない。。。 @gackt #GACKTstagram #philppines #weirdo @takumi.guitar Instagram web viewer online, You can find the most pop photos and users at here gramhd.

A friend said that this was in Samal, the island across my city, that's like 15 minutes away.

Oh man, oh man, oh man!

Hi babies. How are you doing? When we went back home in this morning, we stuck with a terrible traffic jam. But it was a really nice weather so I didn't care about it at all. We got home at 9 anyway. Hahaha not bad to meet such a terrible traffic once in a while. 徹夜明けで早朝に家に帰るときに、ひどい渋滞に足止め。でも天気が気持ちいいから全然オッケー。こういうのも悪くない。 @gackt #GACKTstagram #trafficjam @takumi.guitar #スッピン

I definitely know this street and the routes written on the jeepneys. If we're right, he's probably staying somewhere in Matina or further.

He said "home"! Could it be that he has a home in our city all along and we didn't knew about it? He seems to be familiar with the road since he's the one driving... His IG is fairly new, so probably he's just documenting his visit now...

Oh my gahd this is freaking amazing!

